The purpose of this function is to update csv files that hold a history of satellite-derived metrics for a sanctuary. These csv files are then used as the basis for graphs that plot the metric values over time. Currently, there are two such metrics being kept track of in the csv files: sea surface temperature and chlorophyll. This function is intended to be run each month in github actions, adding the latest month's data to the intended csv file - and additionally filling in any data holes that have crept in, in previous months. The reason for these data holes is that I have found the NOAA servers on which this satellite data is kept to be rather temperamental and often down. So, it is very possible that for a given moment at which github actions is attempting to run this function, the server will be down - meaning that for that month's run of this function, there will be no data. The hope is that in future months, the server will be up and will fill in the data holes.

calculate_statistics(sanctuary, erddap_id, metric, csv_file)



the NMS sanctuary, with only "cinms" currently doing anything


the dataset, with two values defined so far "jplMURSST41mday" & "nesdisVHNSQchlaMonthly"


the metric being pulled from the dataset with "sst" and "chlor_a" currently defined


the csv file containing the data for the given metric for the sanctuary


The output is a csv file that contains a time series of satellite-data-derived statistics.


if (FALSE) {
calculate_statistics("cinms", "jplMURSST41mday", "sst", "avg-sst_cinms.csv")
calculate_statistics("cinms", "nesdisVHNSQchlaMonthly", "chlor_a", "avg-chl_cinms.csv")